Saturday, September 11, 2010

This weekend is almost over and it feels like it has yet to begin. The kids and I have been picking apples, beans and tomatoes nearly everyday and this weekend is no exception. Sometimes I think this is just too hard and I feel like walking away from it, but that is in my weaker moments when a combination of not enough sleep and a bad case of PMS sets in. It makes for a bad day and a sour mood. More often than not it's because I haven't been outside enough to soak up the sun and walk through my garden to see what's going on out there. After spending some time out amongst the tomatoes, lettuce and beans I feel recharged and ready to go.

 I know that this is what I am meant to do. I am in love with gardening. I feel passionately about the land I live and work on. This is the course that I have been set on and I am ready to live this life out learning how to make the land work for me and my family.

Well, it looks as though I should be going. My family has come over to visit and we are going out for the evening. YEAH!! This farm girl wannabe is getting supper served to me tonight!!

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